My Services

I created The Leadership Cabin as a place for you to connect with yourself and with others, to show up as your authentic self, reflect on your behaviours and ultimately show up as the best version of you.
— Natasha Skolny

Leadership Coaching

Private one on one leadership coaching are intentional sessions that focus on taking a purposeful goal, unpacking the emotional interference causing you to feel stuck, and walking away feeling empowered to take the next natural step forward.

Inquire about EQi 2.0 Self-Assessment and 360 Assessments.

Facilitated Sessions

I offer programs that focus on leading yourself and leading others. As you transition into a role where you are leading others, these engaging sessions are filled with a coaching facilitated approach, intentional exercises, and access to practical tools, equipping you to show up as your authentic self and empower those around you.

Leading Self

Explore how personal values and purpose influence how we show up for ourselves. The foundation of leadership begins with understanding your authentic leadership style, acknowledging and having a deep understanding of your strengths and opportunities, identifying what might be getting in your way, and intentionally making changes to lead yourself with confidence.

Workshop topics include:

  • Discovering Personal Values/Purpose

  • Goal Setting

  • Personal Resilience

  • Stress Management

  • Career Management

Leading Others

Trust and communication are key foundations to leading others. My sessions focus on creating a coaching culture by bringing in the human factor to effectively communicate with your teams from a place of empathy and understanding. Inspire others and lead by example as you show up as your authentic self.

Workshop topics include:

  • Aligning personal values/purpose

  • Feedback with empathy

  • Leading others through change

  • Empowering others through coaching